Of all the stupid things to enforce, they choose this. We have illegals entering the state( and getting health care in some areas), meth labs everywhere and they go after smokers.
A direct quote from Knoxnews.com
Under state law, bringing more than two cartons of cigarettes into the state without paying Tennessee taxes is a “Class B” misdemeanor, carrying punishment of up to six months in jail and/or a $500 fine. Bringing 25 or more cartons is a “Class E” felony, with minimum penalty of one year in prison and a maximum of six years plus a fine of up to $3,000.
In addition, the specific state statute dealing with untaxed cigarettes provides that vehicles used to transport more than two cartons “are considered contraband and are subject to seizure,” says a Department of Revenue statement."
Time to contact authorities in Tennessee and let them know we do not appreciate this waste of our tax money.